Adult Ministries
Book Club
Like to read? Book discussion and refreshments. This is a group open to ALL who love to read books. Come join us on the second Tuesday of each month at 1:00 PM
Sally Pflaum 636-265-0939
Jesus And Men (JAM)
Men, where are you in your walk with the Lord? JAM is a group of adult men who are on the move for Jesus. JAM presently conducts multiple Bible discussion groups, one on Saturday and two others during the week. We anticipate adding more groups as we grow.
Our purpose is to:
Help men come to a more personal relationship with Jesus Christ
Build bonds of Christian brotherhood between the men of the church.
Seek Christ in our homes, our occupations, our community, and our church
We plan events throughout the year geared to the interests of men. For more information contact the church office
Small Groups
Small Groups are for adults of all ages, stages of life, and spiritual maturity. Topics covered include specific Biblical books, marriage, raising children of faith, personal spiritual enrichment, and other topics. Each group collectively decides on a course of study and format that fits the needs of those in each group.
Contact: Pat Wilcox
Women’s Monday Morning Bible Study
9:30-11 am
Watson Hall
Presbyterian Women (PW)
Presbyterian Women is an independent organization within the Presbyterian Church (USA) of more than 300,000 women. And every woman of Dardenne is a member. The Women of Dardenne would like to take this opportunity to extend a special invitation and encourage you to get actively involved in the Presbyterian Women and join a PW Circle here at Dardenne. It’s a wonderful way to make new Christian friends, strengthen your Biblical skills, and become a part of a wonderful loving group of women.
For more information about PW, contact Julie @